The Oozooro 1216 project in Jeonju, South Korea is a groundbreaking initiative that created the country's first dedicated space for the "tween" generation, defined as children aged 12-16. Here are the key points about this unique library:
## Concept and Purpose
- Designed as a "third space" away from school and home for tweens to explore and expand their learning horizons
- Aims to provide a safe space for exploration between commercial kids' cafes and academic cram schools
- Envisioned as a "station" for creative exploration of the vast universe of life
## Design Process
- Co-created through consultation with tween users via workshops and journals
- Architects learned tweens want both active and restful spaces, have rapidly changing needs, and prefer guidance over instruction from adults
## Space Layout
- Occupies an entire floor of the Jeonju Municipal Library (3,397 m²)
- Designed as a unified "territory" rather than separate rooms
- Features four main zones connected by an "alleyway":
1. "TalkTalk" zone for communication
2. "KoongKoong" zone for active programming
3. "SeukSeuk" zone for making/creating
4. "GomGome" zone for relaxation
## Key Design Elements
- Central "alleyway" inspired by Jeonju's historic fortress walls
- Vibrant color palette with changing views between zones
- Multipurpose framed structures that users can customize
- Spaces for tweens to display their creations and archive local content
## Philosophy
- Embraces tweens' "pluralism" and desire for self-directed experiences
- Provides an inclusive, flexible environment to accommodate diverse interests
- Aims to let tweens be the "stars" with adults as supportive helpers
This innovative library represents a significant step in creating tailored public spaces for the tween demographic in South Korea, recognizing their unique developmental needs and preferences.